Thank you for joining us today! Today we are talking about releasing the blocks that are holding your business back with Emily Aarons, an intuitive healer and clarity coach. I recently did a session with Emily and I am going to share my big takeaways and the crazy results that happened after.
“You end up sabotaging your launches…” At minute 2:36 Stacy talks about how important mindset is to launching. Emily goes into what she does and how her process works as a psychic business coach.
“You are a magnet, and they should be so honored...” At 5:20 Stacy talks about her experience in her session with Emily. It started with a few red flags that turned around Stacy’s mindset, completely! Emily talks about how she says to be you and people will come to you and the kind of energy you need for a successful launch.
“Let me tell you what happened after…” At minute 9:05 Stacy shares how her session worked for her leading up to the She’s Building Her Empire Live event and what happened after the session. Emily talks about detachment and what can happen when you shift your energy and how you respond to people.
“Who am I being in this moment…” At 12:52 Stacy and Emily talk about how we can get thrown off when a launch doesn’t go exactly how you want it to right away. Emily talks about how you can serve at your highest level and having faith and trust in ourselves.
“Who do I need to become to sell out this program?...” At minute 16:45 Stacy asks Emily for tips and strategies for people to get out of the negative space and take it easy during a launch. She shares how meditation is a big part of this and ways you can incorporate meditation and other relaxation ideas throughout your day.
“How do we know if we are in alignment for what we’re looking for?...” At 21:22 Emily shares how she reaches alignment through mediation and how you can do the same. Stacy and Emily talk about the idea that there is no risk in trying something. The simple questions you can ask yourself to keep you on the right path. Stacy shares how she started her meditation journey.
“You come back a supercharged beast…” At minute 27:32 Emily talks about how our body gives us signs all the time and when you should check in with yourself. She shares the idea of taking an integration break after a launch and what that looks like for her.
Want to learn more information about Stacy's upcoming 5 Day Limitless Growth Challenge? Rediscover, reconnect and restart your life for a better, brighter and blissful business. In just 5 days for less than 10 minutes a day, rediscover your true self, refresh your perspective, and restart your life with a fresh dose of passion, fulfillment and joy. Register at:
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